From March 2014 to July 2017, I was a co-founder of LibUX alongside Michael Schofield. I retired to pursue other opportunities.
LibUX provides design and development consultancy for user experience departments and library web teams. From rationalizing the design process, working together as a team, sustainable workflow or content strategies, to writing maintainable and performant code. Even more, we write loads of articles, pump out podcasts, do webinars, teach courses, and more – just to do our part to psuh the #libweb forward.
* Recording the LibUX podcast
* Editing the podcast
* Recruiting guest speakers
* Co-presented with Michael Schofield at the Lyrasis eGathering 2015 on Designing for User Experience
* Co-taught Using User Experience (UX) Design to Improve Library Services from the Web to the Circulation Desk with Michael Schofield